Fran has developed a multitude of resources over his forty years of ministry. The majority of them are available at no charge under the “Free” tab of the main menu. This page contains print resources that have been monetized because they are printed and shipped by an independent source. The links on this page will take you directly to the print-on-demand company Fran uses for those resources.



Have We Lost the Plot? is Fran’s latest and most powerful examination of the American Church’s precarious relationship with the larger culture. Beginning with a review of our preoccupation with one type of theology to the neglect of another, he exposes the reasons why we have consciously or unconsciously become concerned more about ourselves and our Christian culture than the world around us.

Fran argues passionately that the Bible is first and foremost a narrative, one grand story from cover to cover of God’s supreme “plan for the fullness of time to unite all things in heaven and earth in Christ.” And, our own identity and purpose as believers is inseparable from this Story. Unfortunately, many of us simply don’t know it, so we create our own and invite God into it.

Have We Lost the Plot? will draw you into this One Story of the One God, and you will find yourself enthralled with the majesty of God’s intentions, and humbled that you have a role to play…a vital one in fact.


Today most people find it easier to remain in their own ethnic, political, and socioeconomic tribes. Meals from Mars,written by Fran’s son, Ben, doesn’t allow that to happen. This unique book grips readers with a riveting plot, compelling characters, and squeamishly awkward (albeit needed) conversation between diverse and divergent people. This book entertains, enlightens, and educates.

(Ben has been intimately and actively engaged in urban ministry, training, and empowerment for two decades.)



Getting The Big Picture is the first part of Fran’s 3-part biblical literacy series. It is a 13-hour chronological study of the Old Testament. In other words, you’ll be studying the Old Testament in the order in which it likely occurred. The course consists of a 140 page course notebook, and thirteen 1-hour lectures. The lectures are Quicktime movies that contain the audio of Fran teaching, synced with the beautiful multimedia slides that have become Fran’s signature teaching method.

The course notebook contains 30 pages for note-taking while watching and listening to the lectures, as well as the full course content from the 36-hour course from which this was “distilled.” You’ll have a wonderful resource for future study with this amazing course notebook. It is full of timelines and key people for all the major empires from the days of Abraham up to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple during the lifetimes of Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah.

NOTE: Each of the three courses in Fran’s biblical literacy series is dependent upon both the Quicktime lectures and the course notebook. You’ll need both to complete each of the three courses.


Yeshua In Four Dimensions is the Part II of Fran’s 3-part biblical literacy series. Like Part I, it too  is a 13-hour, chronological study of the life of Yeshua (Jesus) from the four Gospels simultaneously. It also consists of a 160 page course notebook, and thirteen 1-hour lectures. The lectures are Quicktime movies that contain the audio of Fran teaching, synced with the beautiful multimedia slides that have become Fran’s signature teaching method.

The course notebook contains 30 pages for note-taking while watching and listening to the lectures, as well as the full course content from the 36-hour course from which this was “distilled.” You’ll have a wonderful resource for future study with this amazing course notebook. It is full of amazing information on Roman culture and the impact of Rome’s presence on God’s people, as well as background on  key players in the world of Yeshua.

REMINDER: Each of the three courses in Fran’s biblical literacy series is dependent upon both the Quicktime lectures and the course notebook. You’ll need both to complete each of the three courses.


To The Ends Of The Earth is the Part III of Fran’s 3-part biblical literacy series. Like Parts I and II, it too  is a 13-hour, chronological study of the New Testament from the Book of Acts through  the Book of Revelation. It also has a 140 page course notebook, and the 13 Quicktime lectures that the previous 2 courses had.

The course notebook  is full of amazing information on Greek and Roman culture, and historical insight on the cities of Paul’s missionary journeys and his letters. The course follows the Book of Acts for most of its chronology, examining Paul’s letters in the likely order he wrote them.

REMINDER: Each of the three courses in Fran’s biblical literacy series is dependent upon both the Quicktime lectures and the course notebook. You’ll need both to complete each of the three courses.


The Fullness Of Time is the complete reference note from all three courses combined into a single volume. There are no lectures to watch, and the 30 pages of note-taking in the front of each of the three course notebooks is absent.

This resource consists of all of Fran’s teaching notes for the courses in their original 36-hour format. His “marginal notes” from his own notebook have been converted to over 800 footnotes as well.

This is an excellent resource if you decide you do NOT want to do any of the individual courses, because it contains all the “Extended Material” from each of the other three course notebooks.

Do NOT purchase this resource if you intend to work your way through the three courses above. You’ll have everything that’s in it with the course notebooks.


Fran developed The 15/30 Series for those who want to spend time, devotionally in the Scriptures but are unsure where to begin. Each of the four books in the series contains enough guided material for 30 days of personal, reflective time with God. The actual scriptures passages are included for each day, along with short but provocative questions designed to get you into the Scriptures, and the Scriptures into your life. Each of the four studies is available in the English Standard Version (ESV) and the New International Version (NIV).