Fran has developed a multitude of resources over his forty years of ministry. The majority of them are available at no charge under the “Free” tab of the main menu. This page contains resources that have been monetized because they are printed and shipped by an independent source. The links on this page will take you directly to the print-on-demand company used for these books.


Have We Lost the Plot? is Fran’s latest and most powerful examination of the American Church’s precarious relationship with the larger culture. Beginning with a review of our preoccupation with one type of theology to the neglect of another, he exposes the reasons why we have consciously or unconsciously become concerned more about ourselves and our Christian culture than the world around us.

Fran argues passionately that the Bible is first and foremost a narrative, one grand story from cover to cover of God’s supreme “plan for the fullness of time to unite all things in heaven and earth in Christ.” And, our own identity and purpose as believers is inseparable from this Story. Unfortunately, many of us simply don’t know it, so we create our own and invite God into it.

Have We Lost the Plot? will draw you into this One Story of the One God, and you will find yourself enthralled with the majesty of God’s intentions, and humbled that you have a role to play…a vital one in fact.


Does the Bible Have a Point? is a short little book of 70 pages that provides a wonderful path to a basic understanding of  the One Story of the One God. It consists of twelve carefully selected readings from The New Living Translation of the Bible, arranged in the order they likely happened, to help you make sense of one of the world’s most ancient books. It also contains no commentary or ideas from anyone else. It’s going to be just you and the Bible.

In addition to all the scripture right in front of you, each reading comes with  a few suggestions for what to be thinking about and looking for while you read, and space for some reflective journaling. You might even want to order a few extra copies and make the journey with a few friends. And in the process, discover that the Bible does indeed…have a point!


Today most people find it easier to remain in their own ethnic, political, and socioeconomic tribes. Meals from Mars,written by Fran’s son, Ben, doesn’t allow that to happen. This unique book grips readers with a riveting plot, compelling characters, and squeamishly awkward (albeit needed) conversation between diverse and divergent people. This book entertains, enlightens, and educates.

(Ben has been intimately and actively engaged in urban ministry, training, and empowerment for two decades.)