Read the One Story of the One God in Two Years
Knowing how to approach the Bible is a confusing task. The Table of Contents in our Bibles provides the names of the 66 books of the Bible, but doesn’t do so in the order that they actually occurred. For instance, the entirety of the history of the Old Testament is in the first 17 books of the Bible, Genesis through Esther. The remaining 22 books of the Old Testament all actually occurred during the time frame covered in those first 17. The arrangement of the 27 books of the New Testament is also not based on the flow of New Testament history.
I created this two-year Bible reading program to help you accomplish two goals: (1) To read through the entire Bible in a reasonable time frame, and (2) to do so in a way that introduces you to the narrative nature of the Bible. Or put another way, for you to see the Bible for what it really is: the One Story of the One God to accomplish what the Apostle Paul called, “God’s plan for the fullness of time to unite all things in heaven and earth in Christ.” It consists of 96 weeks of readings, 5 per week, giving freedom for holidays, vacations and other changes in our daily rhythms.
Because the Bible is a narrative, but the individual books of the Bible are not always chronological in nature, creating such a reading program that is both easy to use and as close to chronological as possible was very difficult. So, I offer this effort a spirit of humility knowing that it is not perfect, but with the hope that you will grow in your understanding of the storyline of God’s Word.